Thursday, January 14, 2010

2010 Movie Review #1 and #2

Movie Review #1

First movie of 2010!
(Not really the first, cos I watched Avatar twice, once in 2009 and once in 2010...but yea, that doesn't count!Haha)
Watched this movie with my loved ones and I thought it was FARNNEEEE!! All the reviews kept saying how bad it was and how the movie BOMBED and was such a failure...blah blah. But when I watched it, I truly enjoyed it! I mean I have to admit that Hugh Grant and SJP's acting, isn't exactly fantastic...and the storyline wasn't THAT amazing either, but I still enjoyed it for what it was! A cute romantic comedy! Aren't all romantic comedies allowed to be meaningless and it just makes you feel good anyway! So yes, long story short, I enjoyed it!
Overall Rating: 3.5/5 
New improved rating: 8/10

Movie Review #2

I just watched it, and when I say JUST, I do mean JUST!!! Because I'm writing this post at 7am in the morning!!! Amazing right. I never knew what a nightbird I was. Okok, I lied. I always knew! Haha.

Well, back to the review, I really liked this movie!!! It was very enjoyable as well! It was funny, entertaining and the storyline was pretty good. I really really like Meryl Streep, I think she is a FANTASTIC actress and so talented!She is good in EVERY single role, and her roles are always so different. But when she plays a character I feel she always is SO convincing, and you feel that it really is HER you know!! Whereas for some actors/actresses they always do the SAME OLD role, that you just expect that of them. Well, ok whatever. I bet no one even cares that I am rambling on! Haha.
The only downside to this movie would maybe be the ending? Nicole really didn't like the ending, but I was actually ok with it! So if you want to find out what the ending was, go watch the movie! I would recommend it, unless you are one of those types who get squeamish about seeing old people make out! Haha.
Oh and another thing to add, it really amazes me how SAME, yet DIFFERENT Meryl Streep looks like in different movies, and she really looked good here! Haha. Ok, lame.
Overall Rating: 3.5/5 
New improved Rating: 8/10

**Tiffany's Rating Meter: **
1: Do I even need to say? 
2: A waste of my time and money
4: -_-
5: Passable, but nothing fantastic
6: Rent on video instead
7: I enjoyed it, didn't love it
8: Great! Watch it!
9: Super great! Highly Recommended
10: Absolutely LOVED it!!! A MUST WATCH!!!

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At January 15, 2010 at 11:20 PM , Anonymous Tamara Cheche said...

wah lau wat's that line again..."I'm machure...i don't know about being ma tour!"


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