Saturday, May 15, 2010

Happy Best Friend Day

My best friend for 15 years! :)

(Aww I love this picture...cos you are looking at me adoringly...LOL!!! look so purrrddyy!!!(: ) 

Dearest Nicole/Nini/Nizzy/Piggles/Bestie/Breast/Breasty/Ninipik,
this post is dedicated to you!

50 reasons why you are my best friend/I love you non stop: 
1. your jokes (although very lame)...NEVER fail to crack me up. LOL
2. you are beautiful both inside and out...(I know I ALWAYS say this, but it really is so true!!!I can't stop saying it!!Haha)
3. you are THE MOST entertaining person I know...and I don't think there has been ANY moment in my life that I have felt bored with you
4. you are my movie SOULMATE
5. you are emotional...LIKE ME!!!
6. we will always refer to the young ones as the "sec 2 girls"...although they're clearly not anymore. AND GASP, we've been doing it for 5 years 0_0
7. you rocked a polka dot dress in primary one :)
8. you were the first person I went with to the night safari in primary 2!!! and we HELD hands because we were scared!!!
8. We both LOVED the parent trap and always fell asleep to it
9. AND NOT FORGETTING...Interview with a vampire..a bit strange for primary one girls...HAHA
10. we used to play "detective" in the swimming pool
11. you attempted to rescue me when I was nearly murdered by the escalator
12. you ALWAYS know when I am can always seem to sense it
13. you are THE most loyal friend I could ever have
14. BEST CLUBBING BUDDY in the whole wide world
15. fantastic chef (part of your 'IN CONTROL' nature..but i love u for it!! haha) 
16. good toilet buddy...HAHA.
17. ALWAYS so supportive of whatever decisions I make
18. you love me for me :)
19. BRAINWAVES!!!! - we always think the same things!!! about the same people!!! on facebook!!! (LOL)
20. i can talk to you every single day 24/7 and I would never feel tired (so MUSHY. -_-!!!hahha)
21. you still love me when I get drunk and sing songs madly
22. even when we club the whole night and get back at 5am, we spend 3 hours in the toilet talking and only fall asleep at 8am
23. one of the best persuaders of all time ("skip your prefect meeting tiff", "skip your band practise tiff")...but I still love you for it!.haha. 
24. we both hate school (currently)
25. LOVE SHOPPING...even missed our train for the sake of a forever new scarf! btw, i bought the FAIR DEAL scarf that day!! had so many threads coming out though..but it was the LAST PIECE!! i HAD to have it!! haha
26. you ordered beef steak in pri 1
27. you had cute mushroom hair in primary 1 which I really loved!!!
28. we are all "clones".HAHA.
29. you listen to ALL my stories and still look interested!! (or maybe you're just a really good actress)
30. we share a DEEP LOVE for pink, jang geun suk, makeup, movies, harry potter, bitching sessions amongst so many other things!!!
31. you always come up with new "loving" names for me..hahaa!
32. holding hands through scary movies
33. screaming together through scary movies
34. killing everybody else's ear drums during scary movies
35. you know all the crushes I have ever had...although u probably can't remember half of them..HAHA. (cos i have had SO many!!)
36. we had a special BOYS box...which sadly, got LOST. 
37. we joined tap dance classes together
38. we used to LOVE taufik batisah and screamed his name from the Kallang theatre
39. you help me do my hair/cut my hair/pin the flower in my hair
40. we watched Beaches together and we cried from beginning to end and held hands and continued crying
41. we used to have "bestie days" every tuesday at pizza hut
42. i love when u burp. MAJOR LOL. 
43. you are always thinking of how others feel and are super protective of the ones you love
44. you think about "alice" in africa and love to finish food
45. we both are FOODIES!!!haha
46. we were known as "superglue"
47. you're the sister I never had
48. you've gotten to know me, tolerated me and have become my best friend for 15 years
49. you have anger management issues but you never take it out on me...hahaha.
50. you are my best friend because you're the one that knows me the best and there can never be anyone that can replace you in my life :)


and to many more years of wonderful friendship :)

love you! 

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Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Jang Geun Suk!

When I recently went to Melbourne, the girls and I started watching this Korean drama called You are Beautiful/You're Beautiful/YAB. was through this show that I met the love of my life...

Jang Geun Suk!!! :D

Anyway, that's a poster of the show...looks pretty lame...but if you watch it, you will DEFINITELY love it because it's FILLED WITH EMOTION, HOT BOYS and it is VERY FUNNY TOO!!! 

sorry for typing madly in caps, but it is realllyyyyy reallly a nice show! (except maybe the ending was a little lame?) but by the end of it, you will definitely be in love with Jang Geun Suk, and if you're not, then you're mad/a guy. Haha! 

Well anyway...I shall spare the words and just put pictures of him! :D 

how cute is he!!!!?!?!?!?!:D

that's him with Jeremy from the show (the blondie), who is my second favourite character!! Jeremy is FUCKING funnyyyy and cute! 

AWWW!!!!how can u NOT love him smiling into your face?!?!? hahaha!!! 

He has SUCH a cute smile!!! :D *TWIST* (LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

and that's the four of them from the show...the bottom right is the girl in the show...GO MI NAM! 

and that's him and Park Shin Hye (aka Go Mi Nam)...aren't they SO FUCKING CUTE together! 

and this is the ultra cute baby that he acts together with in a movie called Baby and Me...!!Haven't watched it yet, but I REALLY WANT TO! 

so that's about it! there are so many other HOT pictures of him, but had to just pick a few! :/ 

Anyway, really depressed because he's coming to Singapore on the 24th of April, but I won't be there to go to his FAN MEETING!!!(and I REALLY want to go!), so anyone willing to go and get an autograph for me?


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Anja's skinny legs!

Anja Rubik

Anja has some crazily skinny legs!!! AND!!! they are so longgggggggggggg too! FML. HAHA! 

Look at thoseeee legs/tanned bamboo sticks! 0_0!!!

MAD!!!!! haha. 

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Irina Funtikova

Irina Funtikova

Saw pictures of her from Fashion Gone Rogue, and I really like how her face looks! Looks a tad odd, but maybe it's because she has no eyebrows? HAHA. But either way, I still think she's really pretty. She has such preeeeetty eyes! 

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Coco Coco Coco

Coco Rocha

Coco never fails to impress and she looks so cute in this photo shoot! :) 

Via: Fashion Gone Rogue

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Thursday, February 4, 2010

Single Digits

I really can't believe it's just 2 days more till I leave for Perth. 
It seems like just yesterday when I was finishing school, and then it was graduation...
and now, I'm already leaving. 

There doesn't seem to be enough time to do all that I want! :/ 
And I haven't even finished packing my luggage yet..which adds to my tension! 

So tireeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed. 


Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Jessica Stam

Jessica Stam 
Guy Aroch

Dallas was the first person to introduce Jessica Stam to me, and since then, I have fallen in love with her too!
She is just so so gorgeous! She may look drugged out all the time on the runway, and may be notorious for dating many men, but when it comes to her pictures, she is amazing. 

Jessica Stam
Nina Ricci Spring 2010 Campaign

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