Jang Geun Suk!
When I recently went to Melbourne, the girls and I started watching this Korean drama called You are Beautiful/You're Beautiful/YAB. Anyway...it was through this show that I met the love of my life...
Jang Geun Suk!!! :D
Anyway, that's a poster of the show...looks pretty lame...but if you watch it, you will DEFINITELY love it because it's FILLED WITH EMOTION, HOT BOYS and it is VERY FUNNY TOO!!!
sorry for typing madly in caps, but it is realllyyyyy reallly a nice show! (except maybe the ending was a little lame?) but by the end of it, you will definitely be in love with Jang Geun Suk, and if you're not, then you're mad/a guy. Haha!
Well anyway...I shall spare the words and just put pictures of him! :D
how cute is he!!!!?!?!?!?!:D
that's him with Jeremy from the show (the blondie), who is my second favourite character!! Jeremy is FUCKING funnyyyy and cute!
AWWW!!!!how can u NOT love him smiling into your face?!?!? hahaha!!!
He has SUCH a cute smile!!! :D *TWIST* (LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
and that's the four of them from the show...the bottom right is the girl in the show...GO MI NAM!
and that's him and Park Shin Hye (aka Go Mi Nam)...aren't they SO FUCKING CUTE together!
and this is the ultra cute baby that he acts together with in a movie called Baby and Me...!!Haven't watched it yet, but I REALLY WANT TO!
so that's about it! there are so many other HOT pictures of him, but had to just pick a few! :/
Anyway, really depressed because he's coming to Singapore on the 24th of April, but I won't be there to go to his FAN MEETING!!!(and I REALLY want to go!), so anyone willing to go and get an autograph for me?
Labels: Jang Geun Suk, Park Shin Hye, You're Beautiful
OMGGG TIFFY KHOO! I FALL IN LOVE WITH HIM ALL OVER AGAIN!!! hahahahaa. I really hope someone(aka audrey)/or actually Anyone else will help us get his autograph!!!!!!!!!! and picture!!!!!!!!!!!!! gaaahhh!
and that lady's legs are REALLY long! :O
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