Friday, January 15, 2010

2010 Movie Review #3

Movie Review #3

Was actually intending to watch 11.50pm Invictus at cineleisure, but when we reached, there were only front row seats left!!! And mainly because the cinema was SO SMALL!! :(

So I was sad for a few minutes, but then had to quickly choose another movie that also fitted the timing and so we picked Law Abiding Citizen, and I am SO GLAD I watched it, because it was fucking fantastic!!!

The storyline was extremely good, it was action packed, exciting and just kept me GLUED to the screen the whole time! Really really enjoyed it! I think both Gerard Butler and Jamie Foxx were very good in the movie! The movie was SO EXCITING and is highly recommended!
Overall Rating: 4/5
New improved Rating: 9/10

**Tiffany's Rating Meter: **
1: Do I even need to say? 
2: A waste of my time and money
4: -_-
5: Passable, but nothing fantastic
6: Rent on video instead
7: I enjoyed it, didn't love it
8: Great! Watch it!
9: Super great! Highly Recommended
10: Absolutely LOVED it!!! A MUST WATCH!!!

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At January 15, 2010 at 11:21 PM , Anonymous Tamara Cheche said...

wah!! wat's this?!?!?!!? never even heard of it! nice ah!??!?! HIGHLY RECOMMENDED AH?!?!?! i also WAAAAAANT!!! 4/5 only?? wat's this!?!? highly recommended or only highly suggested?? make up your mind woman!


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